25 Random Thoughts Right Before 2022 Ends

Laura Fatima Maxwell
4 min readDec 28, 2022

I love a good challenge

Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

I found a really good article on Medium today:

And I am glad I read it, even though, it’s early as hell in the morning and I am not sure why I am even awake. Mind of a writer, eh?

Here is my version for the 25 Random Thoughts Challenge:

  1. I need coffee to throw itself at me right now — bold, black, sweet and beautiful.
  2. Sometimes I wonder what my mind would be like if I wasn’t an overthinking Virgo, and more of an Aries or Capricorn.
  3. I have one hour before my alarm goes off and I really want to stay in bed. But I can’t afford to not make this money before New Year’s Eve. There is no way I will spend it broke.
  4. It’s crazy how the mobsters in this neighborhood seem to never go to sleep. They are like adventurous pirates minus the sea or a ship.
  5. I want to buy a typewriter but have anxiety about being too young to know how to use one properly. I sometimes envy the older crowd who had the honor of getting first hand…

