Here is what the Universe says about Fake vs. Genuine Positivity

Laura Fatima Maxwell
6 min readDec 26, 2022

Learning how the Universe works can open the roads for you

Three yellow smiley face balloons on a concrete grey floor.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I. The Phenomenon

I often hear people say,

“Don’t believe in the hype about being positive all of the time.”

“Fake positivity sucks!”

“You can’t be happy all of the time?!”

I think that sometimes, people see smiles, laughing, adventure, and hope plastered on social media and get disgusted by it. No — really. It happens a lot. I think that people get easily triggered by it, so I set out to explore this phenomenon.

After some time of studying a bit about human nature, I began realizing that people frequently make the statements previously mentioned, because they feel unhappy and unloved. A lot of the time, people say that they cannot stand fake positivity, but who is to say that the person isn’t naturally just joyful by nature, and you are “turned off” by this behavior because of your own personal traumas and ways of thinking?

I made an observation that unfulfilled people are quicker to judge and criticize others for what they do and what they have than those who are happy with themselves and their progress…

